Submission of Extended Abstracts
Original, unpublished extended abstracts are solicited for presentation at the conference. An extended abstract with a maximum of three pages (up to 2500 words) will be reviewed by referees for publication in the conference proceeding(ISSN number 2562-9034).
Review process
All extended abstracts uploaded to the conference system will be strictly reviewed. Authors will be notified of the extended abstract results in the significant dates section. After the conference, authors will be invited to prepare a complete manuscript to be submitted to a particular journal for which the ICTEA committee arranged to have a specific issue. ICTEA has a double-blind peer review process. Two members of the international committee will review any extended abstracts. Based on the reviewer’s comments, the extended abstract is accepted as is, accepted with revision or rejected.
Terms and Conditions
ICTEA will reject any plagiarized extended abstracts. The duplicate content, including references, should not exceed 15%.
ICTEA strictly forbids copying contents from the published articles into the submitted extended abstract.
The review report must be answered accurately by the corresponding author.
You will be notified in advance if payment is required for the publisher. Suppose applicable payment is due upon receiving the invoice.
Extended abstracts are rejected if there are poor figures and flawed Science.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism is the unethical act of copying some information from a previously published paper without acknowledgement. We encourage the participants to submit an original abstract that has not been submitted elsewhere. The conference is strictly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism. Plagiarism is said to have occurred when large portions of a manuscript have been copied from existing previously published resources. The submitted work must be original and not published in any conference proceedings or journal. We encourage you to check your extended abstract with anti-plagiarism software like Turnitin/ iThenticate before it is submitted for publication at the conference. If you cannot access such software, the organizing committee will check it upon your request. Please note;
ICTEA will reject any plagiarized extended abstract.
ICTEA will accept only articles with 85% original content.
ICTEA keenly discourages plagiarism in research articles.
ICTEA will screen all extended abstracts for plagiarism using software such as Turnitin.
ICTEA will reject any extended abstracts which fail the plagiarism check.
Attendees are encouraged to read about Ethics and Malpractice Statements in the following link. Scientists are encouraged to read further the regulation of the Committee on publication Ethics (COPE)
For Extended Abstract Submission click here
ICTEA Conference Files and Templates
Preliminary Scientific Program