Publication in scientific journals is the key priority of the organizer. To be eligible for the below publications, papers must be presented at the conference. The proceeding, containing the extended abstracts, will be uploaded to the Toronto Metropolitan University Library Depository. Thus, it will have a volume and year of publication and will be available to all scientists worldwide. We will continue to seek additional scientific journals, and this page will be updated accordingly. Prof Ziad Saghir will select the high-quality papers presented by the authors, which will be submitted to the mdpi Editorial Office for full waivers (Fluids, Energies, FDMP, Micromachines and Processes Journals). Once confirmed, the editorial office will reserve the waivers for their submissions. If you are interested in publishing your article in the mdpi journal, please send an after-the conference to zsaghir@torontomu.ca a one page that contains the following information
Journal name:
Paper Title:
Authors name:
Please visit Fluids journal special issue, Energies journal special issue#1 , Energies journal special issue#2 and FDMP journal special issue, Micromachines special issue, Processes Journal special issue